I grew up in
Toledo, Ohio
As the son of a university employee, I spent my childhood on the campus of the University of Toledo, where I eventually earned my degree.
- Nick Fraker -
As the son of a university employee, I spent my childhood on the campus of the University of Toledo, where I eventually earned my degree.
My skillset allows me to architect technological systems which administer themselves, freeing a start-up's small workforce to focus on the important things.
I've always been interested in games as a form of expression. Where other media can only hope to articulate ideas, games can turn them into entire worlds for you to explore.
Food is my primary method of showing appreciation for friends and family, so I've spent much of my life in the kitchen learning to make new tasty recipes.
Here are a few photos I've taken recently
that I think came out pretty well.
I'll try to get back to you as soon as I'm able.